Drawing a Map
Paul Bradshaw is a colleague teaching online journalism at Birmingham City University. His Online Journalism Blog is recommended reading for anybody interested ...
Paul Bradshaw is a colleague teaching online journalism at Birmingham City University. His Online Journalism Blog is recommended reading for anybody interested ...
The tragic fate of FBI agent John O’Neill is one of the many ironies in the mythical set of events culminating in September 11, 2001. Reading Lawrence Wri...
Whenever an Indian demographic appears as a numerator, the resulting number looks big. But whenever its population is in the denominator, the number looks small...
Harper’s, a renowned leftist US monthly, has had authors as illustrious as Jack London, John Stuart Mill, Mark Twain or Hunter Thompson. Harper’s fo...
So, finally this Weblog has gotten back to its original visual identity: The header shows the beginning of the score of Domenico Scarlatti’s otherworldly ...
Even though it is still pretty much under construction, I want to point to another new project of mine. The weblog is part of a fledgling research project on Ch...
Faz.net has relaunched. Another news website in Germany looks like anybody else. (Talking about Spiegel.de, Focus.de, Suedeutsche.de, Welt.de,…) Come to t...
Just recently I have asked myself, How is my old friend Janko P.? After the former head of Frankfurter Rundschau’s online department had married Manhattan...
After one week of virus rule I am still handicapped, still every attempt to get out of my bedroom prison is punished by severe coughing fits forcing me back to ...
But where do we find the sun? – Anyway, kudos to the students from Darmstadt’s Technical University!