“either ‘faded out’ or simply, pop! disappeared”
Standing in front of my bookshelves today I randomly picked out a book from the philosophy section called “The Thinking Self”, by Jay Rosenberg. Ros...
Standing in front of my bookshelves today I randomly picked out a book from the philosophy section called “The Thinking Self”, by Jay Rosenberg. Ros...
Happy New Year to everybody!!
But where do we find the sun? – Anyway, kudos to the students from Darmstadt’s Technical University!
“Soon you will be eighty-two years old. You are six centimeters smaller now. You weigh only 45 kilos, and still you are beautiful, gracious and desirable....
Today we’ve had one of the most beautiful days of the year. Warm like summer, with clear sky, but with a richesse de couleur that only autumn can provide....
Sitting in the basement of a house filled with Beuys memorabilia, surrounded by one of the most elaborate libraries and music collections in this country. Some ...
So Cory Doctorow hates Facebook. I think that is too strong an emotion. But I like Doctorow and respect his judgement. The value of a virtual network is ultimat...
Gut ein Jahr ist Comment is Free jetzt alt, alle finden’s toll, und immer noch haben sich in Deutschland kein Verlag und keine Redaktion getraut, das Expe...
Wer die Fernsehsendungen gesehen hat, die der französische Regisseur und Musiker Bruno Monsaingeon mit Glenn Gould zum Thema Bach produziert hat, oder Alfred Br...
Bill Emmott, Chefredakteur des Economist, ist zurückgetreten! Das hat eine ähnliche Bedeutung, als wenn Tony Blair zurückgetreten wäre. Obwohl – nein, wen...