Public Discourse, Ground Level
One of the distinguishing features of young Chinese urban culture is the predominance of oral communication. In the fast-paced life of the asian metropoles a co...
One of the distinguishing features of young Chinese urban culture is the predominance of oral communication. In the fast-paced life of the asian metropoles a co...
Mr. Cogito will be numbered among the species minores he will accept indifferently the verdict of future scholars of the letter he used the imagination for enti...
Ann Wroe is quite possibly one of the best journalists on this planet. Still only a few will recognize her name. Say “Econonomist’s obituary section...
“If a trash can is not in the budget, it will take more than a month to be approved.” Every once in a while you stumble upon a real eye-opener, some...
Everything is paradoxically close-by in this vast city: one moment you get the most delicious smells tempting your nose, the next moment a putrefying stench spo...
There are Starbucks cafés at nearly every corner of the new business areas of Beijing. In the one located in the Sohu office building I happen to meet Xu Zhiyua...
Today, a less commercial event in the bookstore of Q and her friends, close to the Summer Palace. In the garden a group of musicians from the Xinjiang province ...
Hot, dusty, the sun an orange ball at the yellow-greyish sky. Q’s apartment is situated in an old-fashioned compound near Qinghua University in the Northw...
Brauchen wir ein ernstzunehmendes öffentlich-rechtliches Online-Angebot? ARD und ZDF schielen nach Großbritannien, wo die BBC seit Jahren Zeichen setzt, und wag...
Richard Rorty ist tot. Sein Buch “Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature” hat mich Anfang der 80er Jahre aus den philosophischen Sackgassen der Kritisc...