Behind Curtains
The book I’m currently reading is called “The Secret Life of Citizens”. It’s a very good book, but I have to admit that I haven’t ...
The book I’m currently reading is called “The Secret Life of Citizens”. It’s a very good book, but I have to admit that I haven’t ...
Death is a lesson. Cancer is an education.
After talking about courage as the worthiest of virtues it is time to praise another one of highest, probably equal rank: the ability to enter other peoples min...
Among the many virtues one can strive for I find courage of most value. Of course courage is most impressive when combined with wits, but intelligence without c...
Standing in front of my bookshelves today I randomly picked out a book from the philosophy section called “The Thinking Self”, by Jay Rosenberg. Ros...
Daniel Dennett is one of the heroes of my philosophical past. At the time I started reading philosophy of mind in the early 80s, he was cult, and it seems he...
Some years ago I started to define myself again as a political person. Politics re-entered my life on a micro level, mostly due to the immediate political conte...
After many years of mental work I’ve come to acknowledge the fact that during nearly every solitary creative effort there is a bottleneck period. Subjecti...
Der neue Forschungsgegenstand hat jetzt in meiner internen Planung und Logistik den Kürzel “HumDig” (für “Human Dignity”) bekommen, und ...
So werde ich denn wahrscheinlich doch noch einmal zu meiner intellektuellen Grundschule, zur Philosophie, zurückkehren. Als kleines Bestandteil in einem großen ...