Death Of A Sister
As a little boy I received wonderful letters from my elder sister. They were densely painted in dark, luminous colours. I don’t remember much of the writt...
As a little boy I received wonderful letters from my elder sister. They were densely painted in dark, luminous colours. I don’t remember much of the writt...
People are wearing their coats and scarfs today in the big glass house that is the main room of Beijing’s legendary Bookworm café. Outside, the afternoon ...
God, how many years since I last went out for noise! D-22 Club south of Qinghua campus, several acts. Lots of girls on stage, cute and loud. Discernible influen...
Seit einigen Tagen arbeite ich jetzt an einem neuen winzigen Notebook, einem Asus eeePC 701, den ich mir rechtzeitig vor meinem China-Forschungsaufenthalt besor...
De Cara La Pared Con Toda Palabra
Ann Wroe is quite possibly one of the best journalists on this planet. Still only a few will recognize her name. Say “Econonomist’s obituary section...
Everything is paradoxically close-by in this vast city: one moment you get the most delicious smells tempting your nose, the next moment a putrefying stench spo...
Als notorischer Zuspätkommer arbeite ich mich gerade Folge für Folge durch längst abgelaufene Staffeln von West Wing. Für alle, die sie noch nicht kennen: diese...
Gerade wiedergefunden: die phantastischen Liner Notes zum Soundtrack eines wundervollen Films, aus der Feder des Regisseurs Walter Hill: STREETS OF FIRE is, by ...