QQuite Some Community
“Tencent, more commonly known as QQ, is the largest online community in China… 270 million users of their QQ IM service. Covers 85% of China’s Internet us...
“Tencent, more commonly known as QQ, is the largest online community in China… 270 million users of their QQ IM service. Covers 85% of China’s Internet us...
I have joined the thousands or so netizens who are playing around with Facebook these days. There is something very compelling about this environment, and it...
Another topic, another blog, another identity.
Part I and Part II
Und warum Xanadu 2.0? Weil viele Mechanismen, die sich jetzt durchsetzen, wie Sparversionen von Ideen aus Ted Nelsons größenwahnsinnigem Hypertextprojekt ausseh...
Das Social Publishing erlebt in den letzten Monaten einen ungeheuren Aufschwung, mit Diensten wie del.icio.us, flickr.com, furl.net etc. So sehr ich sonst f&uum...