QQuite Some Community

Tencent, more commonly known as QQ, is the largest online community in China…
270 million users of their QQ IM service.
Covers 85% of China’s Internet users
Largest portal in China
Largest online casual game portal, with 3.2 million users
Largest blog site in China, with 77 million active user accounts”

(Via Thomas Crampton)

Addendum: Actually, these numbers are somewhat misleading. Estimates say that China has a little more than 160 million Internet users. 85 percent of that number would be around 135 million. With 270 million QQ Instant Messaging accounts this means that averagely speaking every QQ user has two IM accounts. Meaning that there must be a lot of them who are playing around with several personas. Same goes for the even more surprising number of blogs.