Watched Howard Rheingold trying to get a little Attention into his classroom. That reminded me of something from a former life: 7 o’clock in the morning, ...
Watched Howard Rheingold trying to get a little Attention into his classroom. That reminded me of something from a former life: 7 o’clock in the morning, ...
Even though it is still pretty much under construction, I want to point to another new project of mine. The weblog is part of a fledgling research project on Ch...
Today is the starting point of a semester project that is going to be fun. Online journalism students of the 2nd year will cover the campaign for the upcoming H...
Every once in a while I am tempted to give up my habit of blogging in English. That’s in those rare moments when I wish I were rich and famous and well-lo...
I’ve updated this blog to a newer version of WordPress and a different appearance. Meanwhile, its patron saint, Domenico Scarlatti, has had his 250th deat...
Another topic, another blog, another identity.
Wir wollen, dass praschl in den Matador-Editorials endlich seinen flickr-Photostream verlinkt.
Medienthemen blogge ich pflichtbewusst jetzt immer hier. (Nicht dass jemand denkt, ich sei DOCH kein ‘Hard-bloggin’ scientist’…)
Die lustige Diskussion, ob der Begriff “Web 2.0” nun einen Neuauflage des Internet-Hypes der späten Neunziger bedeute, mit der nicht unwichtigen Sei...
Hier geht es jetzt weiter, nach einem Providerwechsel und dem wegen massivem Kommentarspams nötig gewordenen Update der Software. Ich habe zunächst die Archive ...