Campus Life, Chinese Style
Arrived for a one-week visit at the Huazhong (Central China) University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, the official partner for my research project....
Arrived for a one-week visit at the Huazhong (Central China) University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, the official partner for my research project....
Back in One Way Street Library, a library and bookstore that my Beijing friends have started some years ago. The main venue is at the margin of Yuan Ming Park i...
The annual german embassy’s event for our national holiday is a rather big thing. Dozens of big black limousines queue up before 17, Dongzhimenwai Dajie, ...
Now it’s nearly three weeks that I am back in Beijing. I’ve moved to my own apartment in the northwestern Haidian district, home of the most importa...
“So is the public image of China really that bad in Germany?”, a chinese friend asked me today. Well, yes. Judging from the pre-olympic Tibet craze ...
Scarlatti is back, sending from Beijing, and switching to english again, for a while at least. Today, after the (mostly unpleasant) experience of a rush-hour ri...
Seit einigen Tagen arbeite ich jetzt an einem neuen winzigen Notebook, einem Asus eeePC 701, den ich mir rechtzeitig vor meinem China-Forschungsaufenthalt besor...
Wer die Fernsehsendungen gesehen hat, die der französische Regisseur und Musiker Bruno Monsaingeon mit Glenn Gould zum Thema Bach produziert hat, oder Alfred Br...
“I’ve gotten plenty of flack for my views, which have been oversimplified into a rather banal ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ True...