After Us
“Being Dead” by Jim Crace is a weird book, “easier to respect than to love”, wrote Gary Krist in the original Salon review. Well, I can ...
“Being Dead” by Jim Crace is a weird book, “easier to respect than to love”, wrote Gary Krist in the original Salon review. Well, I can ...
Sebastian Haffner: Geschichte eines Deutschen Sebastian Haffners elegante Miniaturen über Nazi-Deutschland gehören zu den wenigen Büchern, deren Lektüre ich jed...
Fionavar Tapestry – Guy Gavriel Kay Die Empfehlung, die Byzanz-Romane von Guy Gavriel Kay zu lesen, habe ich aus dem Weblog des US-Ökonomen Brad de Long &...
Another book review for China, this time about William Boyd’s novel “Any Human Heart”
A short article on Orhan Pamuk’s novel Snow I wrote for a chinese book review.
Just read my first Alice Munro story. Very impressed. The wonders of a quietly shifting focus, not following the story but somehow miraculously driving it, on a...
I’m reading Updike’s recent Krasner-Pollock-Novel “Seek My Face”, in very slow pace. Pick it up again now and then, with long intermissi...